
Connor 币安交易所 2022-06-17 316 0



  If you are looking for a cryptocurrency exchange with the highest potential of growth and ease for use and community participation, then Binance (shortcut for binary finance) would be your top pick. Competitions, airdrops, votes, top listed coins and excellent graphs that shows the complete market depth of buy and sell orders and volume is what sets Binance apart. It is also super easy to use and trade on with full trade history so you can make sure you buy low and sell high or just hold.


  Neo token holders will also get paid in Neo Gas while there Neo is on the exchange. Binance also has their own token the Binance Coin (BNB) that gives you a few advantages by slashing fee prices by 50% and soon will have added features. Which is great because the fees are already low compared to other exchanges. Also, Binance will soon have multilingual support. At the moment 8 languages are supported including Chinese and English. Binance is also separate from any banks keeping all finance in house which means no manipulation and added costs. The team behind the exchange are professional and have a lot of experience and above all the right mindset regarding why cryptocurrencies were made in the first place.

  Neo代币持有者也将在Neo获得支付binance官网。 Binance也有他们自己的令牌Binance Coin(BNB),通过削减50%的费用给你一些优势,并且很快就会增加功能。这是非常好的,因为相比其他交易所,费用已经很低。此外,Binance将很快获得多语言支持。目前支持8种语言,包括中文和英文。 Binance也与任何银行保持所有的融资,这意味着没有操纵和增加成本的独立。交流背后的团队是专业的,有很多的经验,尤其是对于为什么加密货币是首先制造的正确心态。

  As of writing Binance Coin is $8.83 or 0.00059259 Bitcoin. Also, the exchange volume is over $5 billion and ranked number 1 in trading volume in the world followed by Bittrex at $2.9 billion. This is no small feat and a testament to the quality of the exchange. Some of the best tokens and coins are listed including TRON, NEO, Request Network, Substratum, Cindicator, Cardano, Stellar and Power Ledger. Last but not least there is an excellent voting system where you can vote for a coin you favour to be listed. This is an excellent way to get airdrop payments from coin developers that are willing to pay you to vote for their coin!

  至于写作Binance硬币$ 8.83或0.00059259比特币binance官网。 此外,交易量超过50亿美元,在全球交易量排名第一,其次是Bittrex为29亿美元。 这是不容小觑的,也是交换质量的证明。 包括TRON,NEO,Request Network,Substratum,Cindicator,Cardano,Stellar和Power Ledger在内的一些最好的代币和硬币。 最后但并非最不重要的是有一个很好的投票系统,你可以投票赞成你赞成列出的硬币。 这是一个很好的方式来从硬币开发商获得空投支付,愿意支付您投票给他们的币!
